Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Investment Opportunity: 1% ROI in Just Three Days!

Almost a week our mentor told us this investment opportunity. One is a huge deal and the other one is a small deal. I will go straight to the point so here's the big deal.

Big Deal: Indian Hill in Cincinnati

  •  Shortsale (foreclosure)
  •  Acquisition Cost: $1.6 Million
  •  Built at a cost of $4 Million
  •  Re-sale Price: $1.99 Million
  •  Total Profit for Raising Capital: 1% x $1.6 Million = $16,000 or PHP688,000 ($1 = PHP43)
  •  Back to back same day closing 
  • Can be compromised of several investors
  • Minimum per investor: $100,000
  • 1% return for utilizing his/her money for 3days
    • 1 day to wire money to US
    • 1 day to close the deal
    • 1 day to wire money + return back to investor
  • Security: investor’s money will NOT be wired until our buyer’s money is lined up
Who are the seller?
  • Trace Trajano, a Filipino real estate guru residing in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. He acquired over $13 Million of properties in the past 6 years
  • Bob Massey, an American real estate investor, foreclosure expert and creator of  The Agent Magnet
  • Actually, this property was not owned by them but they have the control so they are the only people who can resell this property.
What is Back to Back Same Day Closing?
  • A →B (seller in foreclosure sells property to Trace/Bob as buyer)
  • B →C (Trace/Bob as seller sells property to end buyer)
  • Money is required for only one day
  • Will not be funded if C buyer does not have cash
 Questions That You Might Ask
  • What if the buyer backs out?
    • Answer from Trace/Bob: We usually require a 5% non refundable deposit from our buyer. Also, we usually have back-up buyers. Lastly, most of the buyers of million dollar houses are cash buyers.
  • Have you done this before?
    • Answer from Trace/Bob: YES – hundreds of deals done all across the USA. We also partner with our students to enable them to do the same.
For more clarifications, you can contact us 
TELEPHONE NUMBER: (02)577-6972
MOBILE NUMBER: +639178806111

Look for Neil.

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